Meet Our Favorite Multi-tasker: Veneers

Meet Our Favorite Multi-tasker: Porcelain Veneers

We’re often our own worst critics. When we look at old photos — or even in the mirror — we say things like, “This picture would be so great if only I …” and then finish the sentence with one of our perceived flaws. When there is something we don’t like about our smiles, photos that include our teeth may be hard to come by, as we have mastered the closed-mouth grin. When we’re that self-conscious, it’s also likely that we cover our mouths when we laugh, or even talk. Living this way isn’t really living. When we’re so aware of our imperfections, we’re not living in the moment, instead we’re anxiously anticipating the next moment that we’ll have to “cover up.” The good news is that, at Reston Serenity Smiles, we have the perfect solution for almost any dental deficiency: Porcelain Veneers.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are ultra-thin porcelain shells (think about the hard candy shell of an M&M) that are permanently placed on the visible surface of our teeth. This non-invasive procedure is the perfect way to correct imperfections such as:

  • Gaps between teeth
  • Teeth that are too rounded
  • Teeth that are too squared
  • Teeth that are too small
  • Slight chips or pits
  • Crooked teeth
  • Teeth that don’t respond well to whitening treatments

Whatever it is that you don’t like about your smile, veneers may be the perfect solution.

The Procedure

If you and your dentist have determined that you’re a candidate for veneers, expect the following procedure:

  • We’ll start by removing a thin layer of enamel (about the same thickness as your veneer will be) to prepare your teeth for treatment.
  • The next step is to take impressions of the affected teeth. These impressions will be used to craft customized veneers that not only fit properly, but give you the look you desire.
  • When your veneers are ready, we will clean your teeth and score the surface slightly to ensure that the veneers bond securely.
  • Finally, we use a dental bonding solution to permanently affix the veneers to the surface of the teeth. After a little shaping and polishing, you’ll be good to go.

What’s great about the procedure is that it’s practically painless. There’s no “healing” time, which means you can start to enjoy your new smile as soon as your veneers have been placed.

How You Benefit

When your teeth are perfectly shaped and gleaming white, nothing will be able to keep you from smiling. When you smile, you attract others to you and enjoy other benefits, as well. Smiling promotes the release of endorphins, the hormones that naturally make us feel good. Smiling can also reduce pain, lower blood pressure, and naturally slow the heart rate. So you see, having a gorgeous smile that you’re proud to share isn’t simply cosmetic, it’s actually good for your health!

If you’re interested in veneers or any of our other cosmetic services, contact Reston Serenity Smiles to schedule a consultation with Dr. Majid Dastgir. We proudly offer outstanding dental care to those who live in Reston, Virginia, and the surrounding communities.

Office Hours

  • Monday 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 5 :00PM
  • Wednesday8:00 AM – 3 :00PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 3 :00PM
  • Friday

    9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed